27/11/2024 - 27/11/2024
Category: Thematic Peer Group meetings

TPG D on Social Dimension, first meeting

The first meeting of the Thematic Peer Group on Social Dimension (TPG D) was held online with 30 delegates from EHEA member countries and consultative members.
Below you can find the documents of interest that were discussed within the meeting.

TPG D on Social Dimension, first meeting – Minutes 



1. Introduction

1.1 Overview of what TPG has been tasked with
1.2 Goals for TPG D in the context with EHEA
1.3 Introduction circle for the TPG D members

2. Brief overview of previous work

TPG_D_1_HU_IS_2_1_Indicators and Descriptors for the Principles of the Social Dimension in the EHEA
TPG_D_1_HU_IS_2_2_Towards equity and inclusion in higher education in Europe

3. Open discussion about current status of social dimension policies in countries

4. Open discussion about implementation of social dimension principles and guidelines in the national higher education systems

5. Further activities

5.1 Action plans; how to structure TPG D work
5.2 Technical side of TPG D work

End of meeting