Consultative Members

Next to Members, the Bologna Process also involves Consultative Members and BFUG partners.

With the Prague Communiqué, the Ministers agreed:

"The European University Association, the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education (EURASHE), the National Unions of Students in Europe and the Council of Europe should be consulted in the follow-up work."

In the Berlin Communiqué, these organisations (plus UNESCO-CEPES) were then referred to as “Consultative Members”.

Explicit criteria for consultative membership were for the first time laid down by the Bologna Follow-up Group at its meeting in Mondorf on 1-2 March 2005.
Further information is available on the How to apply for becoming a member page.

Other non-voting member

The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR) was founded in 2008 from an initiative of the Bologna Process. EQAR has a similar status to the consultative members (non-voting member of BFUG), but has so far not been officially named consultative member.

EHEA introductory material


EQAR is a non-voting member of the Bologna Follow-Up Group.
