In the Tirana Communiqué, the ministers
'asked the BFUG to submit to us in 2027 proposals for the main priorities for the next decade, in close cooperation with higher education institutions, staff and students' and
'mandated the BFUG to work on the future-proof development, dissemination and possible expansion of key commitments'.
In order to support the BFUG in identifying and discussing the future topics of the Bologna Process, the Bologna Follow-Up Group established the Task Force on the Future of Bologna.
The main goals of the Task Force on the Future of Bologna are:
- To prepare and organise debates in the BFUG on topics relevant to the future of the Bologna Process.
- To set up the debates so that the topics can be openly explored and result in clear conclusions that can be translated into actions by BFUG. This will enable the EHEA and the Bologna process to evolve its commitments, methodologies and tools to remain relevant and well-prepared for the future.
- To develop a Report to the BFUG with the main findings of the task force and recommendations on the way forward, both on content and methods of the Bologna process.
The debates will focus on a small number of future-oriented priority topics for the EHEA, keeping in mind possible synergies with the European Education Area and the European Research Area and exploring the relevance and further development of the suite of existing tools and the potential for new tools.
In identifying and preparing the discussions of the BFUG, the Task Force will consider how to respond to ongoing change due to societal, economic, geopolitical, environmental and technological developments in close cooperation with higher education institutions, staff and students.
The Task Force will prepare background and outcome documents and support the BFUG debates by proposing innovative methodologies to ensure effective dialogue and clear and actionable conclusions.
1. First meeting of the Task Force on the Future of Bologna, online, 20.11.2024
TF on the Future of Bologna_HU_IS_2_Draft agenda
Second meeting of the Task Force on the Future of Bologna, online, 29.01.2025
TF on the Future of Bologna_PL_AL_2_2_Draft agenda