21/03/2025 - 21/03/2025
Riga, Latvia
Category: Thematic Peer Group meetings

1st Thematic Peer Group A on Qualifications' Frameworks meeting

First Thematic Peer Group A on Qualifications' Frameworks meeting, hosted by Latvia in Riga, 21st of March 2025

TPG A on QF 1, Riga, 21.03.2025– Minutes 



1. Opening of the meeting

TPG A on QF_PL_AL_1_1_Draft agenda_16.01.2025

2. Introductions of TPG A members

3. Terms of Reference for the Bologna Implementation Coordination Group 2024-2027

4. The foreseen activities in the QUATRA - TPG A 2 project facilitating the work of the TPG A

5. Union of Skills and impacts on qualifications frameworks

6. Conclusion and closing of the meeting