1. Welcome and introduction
1.1. Welcome by the current BFUG Co-chairs: Portugal and Andorra
1.2. Welcome by the BFUG Vice-chair (Albania)
1.3. Information by the outgoing BFUG Co-chairs: Germany and UK / Scotland
1.4. Information by the outgoing BFUG Secretariat
1.5. Information on current BFUG Secretariat
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Feedback from the last meeting
3.1. Update on the previous BFUG meeting
3.2. Information about the Rome Ministerial Conference
4. Presentation and discussions of the Rules of Procedure for 2021-2024
5. Presentation and discussion on the work plan for 2021-2024
6. Discussion on the draft agenda for the BFUG meeting in Lisbon
7. Information by the incoming Co-chairs
BFUG Board meeting in Armenia (Summer 2021)
BFUG meeting in Slovenia (Fall 2021)
8. AOB