Go quickly to:
• News
• Agenda
• TPG C on QA meetings
• About the IMINQA project
• Staff Mobility programme
• Peer Learning Activities
• Working Group on the QA of Micro-credentials
• Working Group on the QA of European Universities
• Digitalisation of QA processes
TPG C on QA members are advised on the following important dates:
• 5 December 2023, online: TPG C meeting 4
• 17 January 2024, online: WG on QA of micro-credentials meeting 4
• 29 - 30 April 2024, Brussels: WG on QA of micro-credentials meeting 5
• 13 - 14 June 2024, Constanta - Romania: TPG C meeting 5
• 28 - 29 November 2024, Belgium - Ghent: TPG C meeting 6
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TPG C on QA Meetings
All members of the TPG (countries and stakeholders) are invited to take part in 6 TPG meetings during the period 2021-2024. The main focus of these meetings is to work on the implementation of the key commitment. An important aspect are peer learning opportunities for the participants through presentations and discussions in break-out groups on different topics. Next to this, also innovative topics will be discussed. Feedback will be given to the whole group on the work in the specific working groups and Erasmus+ KA3 projects on QA.
Important dates
Meetings are open to TPG C on QA members. The meetings take place on :
• TPG C kick-off meeting: 30 June 2021, online
• TPG C meeting 1: 17-18 May 2022, Belgium
• TPG C meeting 2: 30 November 2022, online
• TPG C meeting 3: 1-2 June 2023, Kazakhstan
• TPG C meeting 4: December 2023, online
• TPG C meeting 5: 13-14 June 2024, Romania
• TPG C meeting 6: November 2024, Belgium
1. Kick-off Meeting of the TPG C on QA, online, 30 June 2021
This kick-off meeting of the group was opened with an introduction of the members, followed by a presentation on the Quality Assurance in the Bologna Implementation Report 2020. An overview of the 2018-2021 State-of-Play of TPG C was delivered, as well as an overview of the survey results by the members. Following, the 2021-2024 work plan for TPG C and supporting Erasmus+ projects were discussed.
Minutes of this meeting
Presentations and documents of this meeting
2. First Meeting of the TPG C on QA, Belgium, 17-18 May 2022

Minutes of this meeting
Presentations and documents of this meeting
3. Second Meeting of the TPG C on QA, online, 30 November 2022
Minutes of this meeting
Presentations and documents of this meeting
4. Third Meeting of the TPG C on QA, Kazakhstan, 1-2 June 2023

Minutes of this meeting
Presentations and documents of this meeting
1. Agenda of this meeting
2. (Internal and External) Quality Assurance to support the social dimension of HE - Brief for the parallel session
3. The role in society of higher education and implications for (internal and external) quality assurance - Brief for the parallel session
4. Thematic Analysis: Cross-Border Quality Assurance and Quality Assurance of Transnational Education
5. Quality assurance of Micro-credentials Desk research
6. Implementation of the countries action plans
7. State of play and work plan of TPG C
8. Cross-Border Quality Assurance and Quality Assurance of Transnational Education
9. High Council for the evaluation of Research and Higher Education (HCERES): France country case
10. QA-FIT presentation
11. Quality Assurance to support the social dimension of HE - Conclusions
12. The Role in society of Higher Education and implications for Internal and External QA
13. How will AI shape our future?
14. Presentation of the Quality assurance of micro-credentials: Desk research
15. Microcredentials: Presentation of a country case - The Netherlands
5. Fourth Meeting of the TPG C on QA, online, 5 December 2023
Minutes of this meeting
Agenda of this meeting
Presentations and documents of this meeting
1. TPG C on QA update
2. Digitalisation of QA processes
3. IMINQA WG on Microcredentials update
4. QA section in the Bologna Process Implementation Report
5. Experience from a staff mobility, Stefano Santoli, ANVUR
6. Experience from a staff mobility, Oleksandra Osiiuk & Oxana Trebenko, NAQA
6. Fifth Meeting of the TPG C on QA, Romania, 13-14 June 2024

Agenda of this meeting
Minutes of this meeting
1. Implementations of the countries' Action Plans
2. IMINQA progress
3. Digitalisation of QA processes - Preliminary report
4. Tirana Communique 2024
5. ENQA's message to ministers 2024
6. Indicators and Descriptors for the Principles of the Social Dimension in the European Higher Education Area
7. Fundamental values and QA
8. TPG C priorities 2024-2027 Work Plan
9.1 TPG document on Microcredentials
9.2 Micro-credentials for higher education institutions - Approaches developed in the EHEA using peer support
10. TPG A on QF activities
11. TPG B on Recognition state of art
12. European Degree
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About the IMINQA project
The project 'Implementation and Innovation in QA through peer learning' (IMINQA) is the umbrella project to support the work of the Bologna Thematic Peer Group C on Quality Assurance during the working period 2021-2024. The project focusses on one hand on quality assurance in the broad sense and thereby work on the implementation of the key commitment in all EHEA countries, and on the other hand dives into some specific themes with innovative focus.
Three main packages in the project are open to all participants in the TPG and support the overall working structure of the group: the organisation of 6 TPG meetings over 3 years, a scheme that allows for staff mobility of QA people of ministries, QA agencies and stakeholder organisations part of the TPG and 3 large Peer Learning Activities. Next to this, 3 thematic topics are addressed: the QA of micro-credentials, the QA of European Universities and the digitalisation of QA procedures and processes.
Continue reading on the different project activities:
• Staff Mobility programme
• Peer Learning Activities
• Working Group on the QA of Micro-credentials
• Working Group on the QA of European Universities
• Digitalisation of QA processes
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Staff Mobility programme
The Thematic Peer Group C on Quality Assurance was established with the aim of fostering peer support among countries. Accordingly, a staff mobility scheme was created to facilitate mobilities across Europe with the aim of sharing expertise in the field. Within the IMINQA project, supporting the Bologna Thematic Peer Group C on Quality Assurance, funding is available for staff mobilities among the partner countries of the group. As these mobilities are organised on individual basis or in small groups, the specific needs for learning can be addressed in a very effective way. A matchmaking committee guides the process of the staff mobility scheme.
Important dates
Participation in the Staff Mobility programme is open to TPG C on QA members. They should be aware of the following main dates:
• May 2022: call 1 is published
• September 2022: announcement of selection results call 1
• October 2022 – March 2023: staff mobilities to take place (call 1)
• February – March 2023: call 2 to be published
31 March 2023: Deadline second call
• May 2023: review observation reports call 1
June 2023: announcement of selection results call 2
• June 2023 – February 2024: staff mobilities to take place (call 2)
• April 2024: review observation reports call 2
2. Second call for applications
Through a system of mobility of staff members working in the field of quality assurance within national authorities (ministries), quality assurance agencies and/or stakeholder organisations, peer support can be facilitated in the TPG C on QA. All flows and directions of staff mobility between ministries, QA-agencies and stakeholder organisations are possible. As such, the system supports the professional development of staff by offering a work placement in another country. Each mobile peer will further develop its QA competencies through job shadowing, observation periods and/or training at a partner QA agency/ministry/organisation abroad. Every staff mobility will focus on specific needs of its home country.
Final Report of the Matchmaking Committee - Peer Support on Quality Assurance in Higher Education: “Staff Mobility”
The final report summarising the staff mobility programme organised within the IMINQA project has been published. The project ensured that funding was available for staff mobilities to stimulate peer learning and mutual understanding among the EHEA countries. The Flemish Ministry of Education and Training took the lead in this staff mobility programme. The report provides insights into the programme, lessons learned and offers insights into the experiences of the mobile peers and their hosts organisations.
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Peer Learning Activities
Three Peer Learning Activities (PLAs) are organised on EHEA policy priorities in quality assurance. These activities aim to catalyse exchange between national authorities and stakeholders on effective approaches to implement these agreed policies in their national/local QA systems.
The policy priorities addressed by the PLAs are aligned with the priorities identified by the Rome Ministerial Communiqué (2020):
1. Aligning the legal framework with the ESG (i.e. EHEA key commitment)
2. Cross-border QA (CBQA) and QA of transnational education (TNE)
3. European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes
To enable a productive exchange, each PLA will be informed by a thematic preparatory note based on existing analyses, data and reports, complemented by additional analysis (e.g. surveys, focus groups) where required.
Based on all three PLAs, a cross-cutting policy brief will inform the preparations of the Tirana Ministerial Conference 2024.
Important dates
The PLAs are open to TPG C on QA members. The PLAs take place on:
• 1 September 2022, Belgium: PLA 1 – Aligning the legal framework with the ESG
• 21 March 2023, Romania: PLA 2 – Cross-border QA (CBQA) & QA of TNE
• 13 September 2023, Belgium: PLA 3 – European Approach to the QA of Joint Programmes
Peer Learning Activity
1. Peer Learning Activity 1: Aligning the legal frameworks with the ESG, Brussels, 1 September 2022
The overarching topic of this PLA was meeting the EHEA key commitment on QA: all HEIs are expected to be subject to a regular review against the ESG carried out by (an) agency/-ies listed in EQAR. At the time of the event, 29 of the 47 EHEA higher education systems satisfy this requirement.
Specific topics that were addressed in PLA 1 were:
• What are the key issues that need to be assured by the legal framework for internal and external QA?
• What are the main barriers in ensuring ESG compliance at national level and what are the effective approaches to address these issues?
• What is the status/role of external QA in different countries, and the balance between institutional and programme-level approaches to external QA and ESG compliance?
This event was attended by 24 participants from 9 countries and included a mix between ministry representatives, representatives of national QA agencies and stakeholder organisations.
Documents of this meeting
Pear Learning Activity 1 Agenda
Thematic Analysis: Aligning the legal frameworks with the ESG
2. Peer Learning Activity 2: CBQA and QA of transnational education, 21 March 2023
A second PLA on 'Cross-Border Quality Assurance and Quality Assurance of Transnational Education' took place on Tuesday 21 March 2023, at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania.
This second Peer Learning Activity (PLA) addressed three topics:
Topic 1: Cross-Border QA from an institutional perspective
Topic 2: Cross-Border QA from a registered QA agency perspective
Topic 3: Quality Assurance of Transnational Education (TNE)
Documents of this meeting
Preparatory Analysis: Cross-Border Quality Assurance and Quality Assurance of Transnational Education
Peer Learning Activity 2 on CBQA and QA of transnational education Agenda
Practical information on Peer Learning Activity 2
ARACIS General presentation & Cross-Border QA activities
Thematic analysis Cross-Border Quality Assurance and Quality Assurance of Transnational Education
Cross-Border QA from an institutional perspective: Romeo Cristina, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Timișoara
Cross-Border QA form an institutional perspective – Experiences with a foreign agency: Rudolf Bauer, Technical University of Munich
Cross-Border Quality Assurance from a registered QA Agency: Philip Duffus, EAEVE
Cross-Border Quality Assurance from a registered QA Agency: Solange Pisarz, Cti
Quality Assurance of Transnational Education (TNE): Simon Roy, OECD
Quality Assurance of Transnational Education (TNE): Andreea Varga, University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology of Târgu Mures
3. Peer Learning Activity 3: European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes, 13 September 2023
The PLA on ‘European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes’ took place on Wednesday 13 September 2023, at the Flemish Department of Education and Training in Brussels, Belgium.
The following three topics were addressed during this third Peer Learning Activity (PLA):
Topic 1: Changes in legal frameworks to accommodate for the European Approach
Topic 2: Lesson learned: institutional perspectives in the implementation of the European Approach
Topic 3: Lesson learned: agency perspectives in the implementation of the European Approach
Documents of this meeting
Thematic analysis paper: European approach for the QA of Joint Programmes
Peer Learning Activity 3: Agenda
Presentation - Thematic Analysis on European Approach for QA of Joint Programmes
Legal framework: Jakub Brdulak, Ministry of Education and Science Poland
Institutional perspectives in the implementation of the European Approach: Agnetha Broos - KU Leuven
Agency perspective in the implementation of the EA: Ronny Heintze (AQAS) and Eva Fernández de Labastida (Unibasq)
Erasmus mundus support structure - Enhancing the Erasmus Mundus Experience: Tanja Kreetz, DAAD
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Working Group on the QA of Micro-credentials
The Working Group on the QA of Micro-credentials creates practical tools for QA of micro-credentials as a follow-up of the MICROBOL project (2019-2021). The task of the working group is specifically to address the recommendations of the MICROBOL project related to internal and external quality assurance (recommendations 11-13) and on the establishment of a register and catalogues of providers and micro-credentials (recommendations 16-17).
Participating countries/organisations
TPG C on QA members have been invited to participate in the Working Group on the QA of Micro-credentials by nominating a representative from their country/organisation.
The participating TPG members are: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium/Flemish Community, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, EQAR, ESU, EUA, European Commission, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, UK/Scotland
Important dates
The meetings of the Working Group on the QA of Micro-credentials are open participating countries/organisations. The meetings take place on:
• 2 September 2022, Belgium
• 27 February 2023, online
• 14 September 2023, Belgium
• January 2024, online
• April 2024, Belgium
• September 2024, online
1. Approaches to Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials - A report on policies and practices to assure the quality of micro-credentials in the European Higher Education Area
A new report is published that provides an overview of the state of play of policy developments and presents latest information on various activities, initiatives and reports related to the quality assurance of micro-credentials in the EHEA. The report specifically explores different national policies, as well as practices by quality assurance agencies and higher education institutions, and positions these within the European policy context. The report is produced as part of the three-year Implementation and Innovation in quality assurance through peer learning (IMINQA) project, which supports the work of the Bologna Process Thematic Peer Group C on Quality Assurance (TPG C). The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. It is based on research conducted by an IMINQA working group led by ENQA (European Association of Quality Assurance in Higher Education).
Various approaches are identified, most of which incorporate the quality assurance of micro-credentials into existing procedures, although there are some examples of specific methodologies and procedures for this type of short units of learning. The results of the research for this report and discussions within the project working group indicate that many countries, quality assurance agencies and institutions are engaged in initiatives to explore the role and regulation of micro-credentials in their national context. However, it is clear that not all countries need to revise and change their legislation or quality assurance system as the existing mechanisms already accommodate micro-credentials. The report also provides some examples of cooperation between the higher education sector and alternative providers for the quality assurance of micro-credentials. The findings will feed into guidance for higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies, and alternative providers, to be published later in 2023.
2. Quality assurance of micro-credentials - Reflective questions for internal and external quality assurance
This document is developed as part of the three-year Implementation and Innovation in quality assurance through peer learning (IMINQA) project.
Based on the findings of the research conducted as part of the project, this document aims to support quality assurance agencies, higher education institutions and alternative education providers in their work on assuring the quality of micro-credentials in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). It does so by setting out a series of reflective questions to guide stakeholders in developing or reviewing their internal and external quality assurance policies and processes.
The document is authored by the IMINQA working group on quality assurance of micro-credentials, led by the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).
3. Micro-credentials for higher education institutions - Approaches developed in the EHEA using peer support
This document was developed within the TPG-LRC Constructing Recognition in the EHEA (TPG-LRC CoRE) project, which aims to support the implementation of the Bologna Process focusing on its key commitment 2 on national legislation and procedures compliant with the Lisbon Recognition Convention in the countries of the Thematic Peer Group B (TPG B). Within the project, a working group on micro-credentials, composed of CIMEA, the European Universities Association (EUA) and Nuffic, was established to develop a joint document in cooperation with the Thematic Peer Group A on Qualifications Framework (TPG A on QF) and with the Thematic Peer Group C on Quality Assurance (TPG C on QA).
1. First Meeting of the WG on QA of Micro-credentials, Brussels, 2 September 2022
Minutes of this meeting
Presentation and documents of this meeting
Working group on QA of Micro-credentials Agenda
Working group on Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials
2. Second Meeting of the WG on QA of Micro-credentials, online, 27 February 2023
Minutes of this meeting
Presentation and documents of this meeting
Working group on QA of Micro-credentials Agenda
Working group on Quality Assurance of Micro-credentials Meeting 2
Introducing alternative providers and Micro-credentials in DEQAR
3. Third meeting of the WG on QA of Micro-credentials, Brussels, 14 September 2023
Presentation and documents of this meeting
Working group on QA of Micro-credentials Agenda
IMINQA state of play September 2023
QA of micro-credentials: reflective questions for internal and external QA
Alternative providers and micro credentials in DEQAR
4. Fourth meeting of the WG on QA of Micro-credentials, online, 17 January 2024
Presentation and documents of this meeting
• Working group on QA of Micro-credentials
• Update on the launch of micro-credentials in DEQAR
• Feasibility study for a quality label for micro-credentials
5. Fifth meeting of the WG on QA of Micro-credentials, Brussels, 29-30 April 2024
Presentation and documents of this meeting
· Concluding the expansion of DEQAR with information on trusted micro credentials and other providers
· Progress on the feasibility study on MC label – EQAR
· Case presenting developments in the national systems and QA agencies
· Micro-credentials and the EHEA Ministerial Conference
· Micro-credentials: the UK perspective
· Update from TPG-B on recognition in line with the Lisbon Recognition Convention
· Micro-credentials in Swedish Higher Education
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Working Group on the QA of European Universities
The Working Group on the QA of European Universities involves national authorities, QA agencies and of course European Universities. The main work of the group is focused on the follow up of the EUniQ framework for the QA of European Universities.
As the development of (QA of) European Universities has just started, it is necessary to carry out peer learning to increase mutual awareness and understanding of QA expectations between the different stakeholders. But even more important is the necessity of bringing national authorities together to discuss the legal obstacles.
Participating countries/organisations
TPG C on QA members have been invited to participate in the Working Group Working Group on the QA of European Universities by nominating a representative from their country/organisation.
The participating members are: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium/Flemish Community, Croatia, Cyprus, ESU, ETUCE, EUA, European Commission, EQAR, Finland, France, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden.
Important dates
The meetings of the Working Group on the QA of European Universities are open to nominated and selected members of the TPG C on QA. The meetings take place on:
• 17 June 2022, online
• 17 January 2023, Belgium
• November 2023, Belgium
• April 2024, Belgium
In addition, two peer learning activities targeted at the QA of European Universities will be organised for a select group of countries that will take place in a feasibility study:
• March 2023, online
• November 2023, Belgium
1. First Meeting of the WG on QA of European Universities, online, 17 June 2022
Minutes of this meeting
Presentations and documents of this meeting
QA of European Universities: Desk research analysis
Working Group on QA of European Universities Agenda
TPG C: WG on QA of European Universities Update
Outcomes of the EUniQ project: Framework & policy papers
EUNIQ Policy paper 1
EUNIQ Policy paper 2
QA Development Roadmap: Implementing EUNIQ
2. Second Meeting of the WG on QA of European Universities, Brussels, 17 January 2023
Minutes of this meeting
Presentations and documents of this meeting
Working Group on QA of European Universities Agenda
TPG C: WG on QA of European Universities Update
WG on QA of European Universities: Desk Research Analysis
Institutional practices and needs of European Universities regarding their QA - CIRCLE U
Institutional practices and needs of European Universities regarding their QA - YUFE
Institutional practices and needs of European Universities regarding their QA - ENLIGHT
Institutional practices and needs of European Universities regarding their QA - QA subgroup of the "second wave alliances"
European Universities, Quality Assurance and UKÄ - Sweden
Toward the implementation of a « EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK» for the QA of University Alliances - Italy
Do countries review their QA procedures and methodologies along with the development of the European alliances: AEQES - Belgium
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Digitalisation of QA processes
Within the framework of the IMINQA project, activities are taken regarding the digitalisation of QA processes. The objectives are to:
• Map the situation of QA systems in EHEA countries from the perspective of digitalisation (including changes triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic) as well as data management and sharing;
• reflecting on a medium-term vision for enhancing QA processes and procedures based on technology.
Synergies will be eventually built to the QA-FIT project so that the outcomes of this (umbrella) project can feed into the future vision for QA to be put forward by the QA-FIT project. Other new studies and initiatives will also be taken up during the timeframe of the activity.
Important dates
A thematic workshop for TPG C on QA members to discuss the study outcomes and a policy brief will be organised:
• November 2024, Belgium
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