12/11/2019 - 13/11/2019
Helsinki, Finland
Category: BFUG Meetings

BFUG meeting LXVII

 Sixty-seventh Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting in Helsinki, 12–13 November 2019.       


Draft agenda

1. Welcome and Introduction

1.1 Welcome by the current BFUG Co-chairs: Finland / Turkey
1.2 Information by the BFUG Vice-chair (Italy)

2. Adoption of the agenda 

2.a BFUG Meeting LXVII in Helsinki, 12-13 November 2019 – Draft agenda
2.b BFUG Meeting LXVII in Helsinki, 12-13 November 2019 – Draft annotated agenda

3. Feedback from the last meetings

3.1 Adoption of the Minutes from the BFUG meeting in Bucharest, 4-5 April 2019
3.2 Report from the Board meeting in Istanbul, 24 September 2019

4. Information from the BFUG Secretariat

4.1 Information from the BFUG Secretariat presentation
      Information from the BFUG Secretariat next Co-chairing presentation

5. Updates and Draft recomendations from the AGs, BICG, CG and WG

5.1 Bologna Implementation Coordination Group (BICG)
Bologna Implementation Coordination Group (BICG) presentation
5.2 EHEA Network of NQF Correspondents
Working Group 1 on Monitoring (WG1)
      Working Group 1 on Monitoring (WG1)
5.4 Task Force for future monitoring values
5.5 Advisory Group 1 on Social Dimension (AG1)
      Principles and Guidelines
      Advisory Group 1 on Social Dimension (AG1) presentation
5.6 Advisory Group 2 on Learning and Teaching (AG2)
      Advisory Group 2 on Learning and Teaching (AG2) presentation
5.7 Coordination Group 1 on Global Policy Dialogue (CG1)
      Higher Education in the Global Context
      Coordination Group 1 on Global Policy Dialogue (CG1) presentation 


6. Update and next steps for EHEA-ERA interaction

BFUG_FI_TK_67_6_Next Steps EHEA ERA
BFUG_FI_TK_67_6_Next Steps EHEA ERA presentation

7. Future of the EHEA - Thematic discussion on vision and priorities

7.1 Results from the national consultations
      Results from the national consultations Presentation
7.2 Introduction to the breakout sessions
7.3 Breakout sessions (4 discussion groups)
Breakout sessions (4 discussion groups) presentation
7.4 Rethinking EHEA - Expectations of Society presentation
7.5 Conclusions from the breakout sessions


8. Towards Rome 2020 Ministerial Conference

8.1 Road map for Rome 2020 Communiqué and Global Policy Forum Statement (old version 25.09.2019) -> Updated version (20.11.2019)
8.2 Discussion on draft 0 version of the Rome 2020 Communiqué
8.3 Tentative Programme for the Rome 2020 Ministerial Conference and Global Policy Forum presentation

9. Procedure and schedule for applications to host the next Ministerial Conference

BFUG_FI_TK_67_9_Procedure and Schedule post 2020

10. Application from the Republic of San Marino to join the EHEA

BFUG_FI_TK_67_10_a_Application San Marino Preliminary National Report

11. Update from the Consultative members

11.1 Update from BUSINESSEUROPE
11.2 Update from the Council of Europe
11.3 Update from Education International / ETUCE
11.4 Update from ENQA
11.5 Update from EQAR
11.6 Update from ESU
11.7 Update from EUA
11.8 Update from EURASHE
11.9 Update from UNESCO

12. Information by the incoming Co-chairs

12.1 Croatia; BFUG Board Meeting in Zagreb (7 February) and BFUG Meeting in Split (4-5 May)
12.2 Ukraine; BFUG Meeting in Kyiv (4-5 March) and BFUG Board Meeting in Lviv (3 April)

13. AOB