Work programme 2015-2018
Peer learning activity on permeability between different categories of higher education
Other relevant event
Brussels, Belgium
20/06/2016 - 21/06/2016
The Peer learning activity on permeability between different categories of higher education is part of the ERAMUS+ Programme.
PLA on permeability between different categories of higher education - Draft programme
There are two major issues at stake for this PLA:
- The transition from short cycle higher education to a the first cycle of higher education;
- The transition from professionally oriented first cycle qualifications to the second cycle of higher education.
PLA on permeability between different categories of higher education - Background paper
Questions to be discussed during the PLA:
- What should be the basic charasteristics of the short cycle programme so they can be treated by all EHEA members as a HE qualifications?
- How short cycle qualifications should be treated in EHEA countries which do not comprise such qualifications (e.g. in terms of holders’ progression)?
- What factors are facilitating c.q; hindering recognition and articulation/permeability national and cross-border? (on the basis of examples of good practices, stories, facts, ..)
- What are the rationales/driving factors for facilitating articulation?
Published: 20/06/2016 - Last modified: 20/10/2016