Work programme 2015-2018
Bologna Follow-Up Group Meeting LX

The sixtieth Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting will take place in Sofia, 24-25 April 2018.
Download BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Minutes
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - All documents V7 30.04.2018
Draft agenda
1. Welcome and introduction to the meeting
1.1. Opening by Denitsa Sacheva, Deputy Minister of Education and Science (tbc)
1.2. Information by the current BFUG Co-chairs: Bulgaria/Serbia
1.3. Information by the BFUG Vice-chair
2. Adoption of the agenda
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Draft annotated agenda
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Draft agenda
3. Feedback of the last meetings
3.1. Report from the BFUG meeting in Sofia in February 2018
BFUG Meeting 58 Sofia Feb 2018 - Minutes
3.2. Oral report from the BFUG Board meeting in Belgrade in March 2018
4. Final presentation of the AG/WG work
4.1. 2018 Bologna Process Implementation Report (WG1 Monitoring)
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - 2018 Bologna Process Implementation Report
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - 2018 Bologna Process Implementation Report - Presentation
4.2. Proposal for a 2018-2020 Bologna Process Implementation Report (WG1 Monitoring)
Board meeting - Belgrade, Jan 2018 - Proposal for a 2018-2020 Bologna Process Implementation report
4.3. Final Report and recommendations from AG3 (Dealing with non- implementation) including the joint proposal WG2 (Implementation) / AG3 (Dealing with non-implementation)
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Final Report AG3
4.4. Composition of the initial "Bologna Implementation Coordination Group"
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Expressions of Interest BICG
4.5. Final Report and recommendations from AG2 (Support for the Belarus Roadmap)
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Final Report AG2
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Draft Belarus Strategy
5. Draft Bologna Policy Forum Statement
6. Draft for the 2018 Ministerial Communiqué
7. Wrap-up on the Draft Communiqué
8. Draft Programme for the Ministerial Conference 2018
9. Update on the Ministerial Conference 2018
10. Draft Reports from the Consultative Members
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - ESU
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Council of Europe
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - ENQA
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - UNESCO
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - EUA
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - EURASHE
- BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - EQAR
11. Information by the proposed host of the next BFUG Secretariat (Italy)
12. Information by the incoming Co-chairs
12.1 BFUG Board meeting Switzerland 3 July 2018
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Higher Education in Switzerland
12.2 BFUG meeting Austria 27/28 September 2018
BFUG Meeting 60 Sofia April 2018 - Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union Priorities in Higher Education