Consultative members
European Students Union

The European Students' Union is the umbrella of national organisations from 38 countries.
The European Students' Union (ESU) is the umbrella organisation of 45 National Unions of Students (NUS) from 38 countries. The NUSes are open to all students in their respective country regardless of political persuasion, religion, ethnic or cultural origin, sexual orientation or social standing. Their members are also student-run, autonomous, representative and operate according to democratic principles.
ESU was formerly known as ESIB – The National Unions of Students in Europe.
The aim of ESU is to represent and promote the educational, social, economic and cultural interests of students at the European level towards all relevant bodies and in particular the Bologna Follow Up Group.
Bologna With Student Eyes - ESU analysis
For each Ministerial Conference since Berlin in 2003, ESIB then ESU publishes an analysis on the Bologna Process that is part of the stakeholders communications.
Policy papers
In addition to the analysis "Bologna With Student Eyes", ESU annually publishes Policy Papers that address various topics. These Policy Papers clarifies the position of students reprensetatives on several topics addressed by the BFUG.
ESU Policy papers - archive before 2012
Involvement in the Bologna Process
Since the beginning of the Bologna Process the National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB) an then the European Students’ Union (ESU) has played a significant role in the conception and implementation of the Bologna Process goals.
In 2001, ESIB asserts in the Policy Paper "Student participation in the European Higher Education area" the necessity of involving students representatives as equal partners:
As co-operation on educational issues keeps increasing, so should the students’ influence on the process.[...] Student involvement is a key factor for the development of a diverse, high quality and democratic Higher Education.
In 2003, ESIB Policy Paper "New Challenges for a wider perspective on the future of the EHEA" focuses on the new challenges that HE is facing in the creation of a wider common European Higher Education Area. It is primarily concerned with promoting the student opinion of and within this process. It considers the present situation and offers a common student vision on the continuation of the process of creating this European Higher Education Area.
For 18 months up until April 2008, ESU was coordinating a major European Commission-funded campaign centred around the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Towards an European Qualifications Framework 2008
In 2008, with "Towards 2020 - A Student-Centred Bologna Process" ESU wants to make a contribution to the further development of the Bologna Process in a critical but constructive way and suggests concrete steps for progress on relevant topics.
In 2009-2010, the joint European Students' Union / Education International project "Time for a New Paradigm in Education: Student Centered Learning" (T4SCL) is based on the long-standing need to clarify and deepen the understanding of the academic community and policy makers' of the practical implications of the recent paradigm shift from teacher to student centered learning.
Student Centred Learning: An Insight into Theory and Practice
Survey Analysis Time For Student Centred Learning
At the European Student Summit in Vienna in March 2010, ESU presented its account of ten years of the Bologna Process.
ESU - Bologna at the Finish Line
In 2011, ESU makes a "Statement on Bologna Process towards 2012" and comes with a set of concrete proposals for the future of the Bologna Process and the functional establishment of a European Higher Education Area.
Student Centred Learning
The Peer Assessment of Student Centred Learning (PASCL) Project aims to assist in implementing sound student-centred learning (SCL) strategies and approaches at institutional level and to foster a culture of SCL in higher education institutions across Europe.
The PASCL project organized of a long series of annual events on Student-Centered Learning, which contributed to the necessary shift in bringing more visibility to the implementation of SCL and importance of the teaching mission of HEI in general.
- Bologna With Student Eyes 2015
- Bologna With Student Eyes 2012
- Bologna With Student Eyes 2009
- Bologna With Student Eyes 2007
- Bologna With Student Eyes 2005
- Bologna With Student Eyes 2003
- ESU Statement to the Bucharest Ministerial Conference 2012
- ESU intervention Vienna-Budapest 2010
- ESU intervention Leuven 2009
- Prague Students Declaration 2009
- ESU - Bologna at the Finish Line
- Student Centred Learning: An Insight into Theory and Practice
- Survey Analysis Time For Student Centred Learning
- Student Union Development Handbook 2009
- ESU Equity Handbook 2009
- ESU Equality Handbook 2008
- ESIB Lisbon Agenda handbook 2006
- Luxembourg Student Declaration 2005