Work programme 2015-2018
ESU - PASCL Final Conference on Student-Centred Learning
The final PASCL Conference was held in Brussels on 27th May 2016, together with the PASCL Awards, under the title of “Assuring Student Centred Learning”. The conference brought together Brussels stakeholders in the field of Education & Training, student representatives and project partners to share the sum of experiences of the PASCL Project, and to brainstorm on future perspectives for quality assurance of student centred learning.
The PASCL Project (Peer Assessment of Student Centred Learning) aims to assist in implementing sound student-centred learning (SCL) strategies and approaches at institutional level and to foster a culture of SCL in higher education institutions across Europe.
The PASCL project organised of a long series of annual events on Student - Centered Learning, which contributed to the necessary shift in bringing more visibility to the implementation of SCL and importance of the teaching mission of HEI in general.
The last event to be organised during the project lifetime is planned to take place in Brussels with a targeted participation of around 60 people, mainly relevant stakeholders, policy and decision makers at European and national level, but also representatives of students and HEI staff.
The Final Conference aim is to present the final outcomes of the project and the plans for further developments, inviting the participants to become active supporters of PASCL tool for a higher qualitative education in Europe.
Awards ceremony will be organised as well to give recognition to the best practises identified in implementing SCL/ excellence in teaching.
ESU, as hosting organisation will coordinate the preparations and the event organising phases, with the support of all the members of the consortium, especially CEU which has experience in organizing such awards.
Read more:
Conference on the European Students' Union (ESU) website
Conference on the PASCL project website
Peer Assessment of Student Centred Learning (PASCL) project website
During the first day, participants (e.g ESU members, NGO representatives) will participate in a training on Student Centred Learning and discuss with subject-matter experts. The second day of the conference will gather policy and decision makers at European and national level, but also representatives of students and higher education institutions staff.
Student Centred Learning
The Peer Assessment of Student Centred Learning (PASCL) Project aims to assist in implementing sound student-centred learning (SCL) strategies and approaches at institutional level and to foster a culture of SCL in higher education institutions across Europe.
The PASCL project organized of a long series of annual events on Student-Centered Learning, which contributed to the necessary shift in bringing more visibility to the implementation of SCL and importance of the teaching mission of HEI in general.