Work programme 2015-2018
Working Group on Fostering implementation of agreed key commitments 2015-2018 - meeting 4
Fourth meeting of the working group on Fostering implementation of agreed key commitments.
Download the WG Implementation - Vienna 20-21.03.2017 - Draft minutes
Draft agenda
Download the WG Implementation - Vienna 20-21.03.2017 - Draft agenda
Monday March 20th, 2017 - 14:30 to 17:30
Venue: Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Education, Freyung 1, 1010 Vienna, Festsaal
1. Registration
2. Welcome & Introduction by the WG co-chairs referring to the TOR
Adoption of the Agenda
3. Staff Mobility
Speaker: Riku Matilainen: “Staff (im-)mobility - challenges of and driving forces behind mobility”
4. Student Mobility: the Austrian Higher Education Mobility Strategy in the context of the EHEA,
Speaker: Gottfried Bacher, BMWFW, Austria, European Higher Education Area, EU Higher Education Programmes, Bologna Process and Mobility
Monday March 20th, 2017 - 19:00
Tuesday March 21st 2017 - 09:30 to 16:30
Venue: Freyung 3, 10101 Vienna, Representative Rooms
5. Final WG2 Report: setting the roadmap towards the first draft
- Topics and methodology.
- Identifying rapporteurs for the chosen events and scheduling the WG discussions on each theme.
- The (reversed) peer review experiment and its outcomes.
6. Liaison with other AG/WG.
The cycling proposal (AG3, Bratislava)
Lunch break
7. Preparing the Oslo Board meeting.
- Recommendations for the Malta BFUG meeting.
- Inputs for the 2018 Communiqué
Next meeting
Working Group
Working group meetings
- 1st meeting - 27/01/2016 Brussels
- 2nd meeting - 03-04/06/2016 Tbilisi
- 3rd meeting - 09-10/11/2016 Nice
- 4th meeting - 20-21/03/2017 Vienna
- 5th meeting - 13-14/06/2017 Malmö
- 6th meeting - 02-03/10/2017 Zagreb
The working group on “Fostering implementation of agreed key commitments” supports implementation on agreed goals by peer learning and peer exchange events offering exchanges of good practice on the basis of the implementation report 2015 and the measures adopted in the Yerevan Communiqué. It involves national stakeholders in the activities, in order to encourage greater exchange and implementation on the ground.