Work programme 2015-2018

Advisory Group on International cooperation 2015-2018 - meeting 3

Advisory Group meeting Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation 14/10/2016

Third meeting of the Advisory Group on EHEA International cooperation.

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Download the AG EHEA international cooperation - Nizhny Novgorod 14.10.2016 - Minutes


Source: BFUG Meeting 52 Bratislava Dec. 2016 - Work progress AG International cooperation

The third meeting in Nizhni Novgorod was highly productive and led to a clearer understanding of both the potential and limitations of cross national and inter-regional collaborations from presentations from ASEAN, Russia, UNESCO and AUF. The group agreed that in order to further the goal of the BPF to ‘enhance international cooperation between regional higher education areas and systems’ a proposal should be put forward to the BFUG to create a form of associated membership for non-EHEA members in order to establish joint goals and progress collaboration on tools, areas of common interest and addressing global challenges. The details of this vehicle would need to be agreed but could develop from an inter-regional dialogue to an ‘international alliance of regional higher education systems or areas’. The AG1 meeting to be held in Madrid has already attracted representatives from Latin America, Africa and the Mediterranean which will give us an opportunity about testing the feasibility of the new proposal with Regional Groupings. This suggestion of associate or linked membership could be an attraction for Ministers from non-EHEA countries to attend the Paris Ministerial in 2018 and a useful framework for furthering the development of common action on joint challenges to Higher Education. The Group discussed different options for the format and the programme of the meeting and a proposal should be ready for the next BFUG in May in Malta.

Agenda and Background documents

1. Welcome and introduction to the meeting
Russian host
Co-Chair, France
Co-Chair, United-Kingdom

2. Adoption of the agenda
AG EHEA international cooperation - Nizhny Novgorod 14.10.2016 - Draft agenda

3. Adoption of the minutes of the second meeting in London
AG EHEA international cooperation London 18.05.2016 - Draft minutes

4. Presentation of the BPF Concept note

5. Feedback from the BPF task force

6. Discussion on the concept of ‘inter-regional policy dialogue’
Feedback from the Commission (impact of the regional policy dialogues), Unesco (Education 2030, SDG4, Sustainable development goals), EAIE (Global dialogue), ESU, Russia (regional policy). Presentations TBC.
Skype with Stefan Hell, head of the SHARE project (ASEAN)

7. Feedback from the Berlin meeting of the co-chairs of all the advisory and working groups (14 September)

8. Working groups on the topics

9. Decision to be taken for the final version of the BPF
Regional partnership on progress and coming events
Next meeting and regional event in Madrid (30-31 January 2017)
Any other business

Published: 14/10/2016 - Last modified: 26/01/2018
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Advisory Group

The Advisory Group on EHEA international cooperation aims to enhance the international dimension of the EHEA, carrying out a strategic cooperation with non-EHEA members and, as well, define the scope of the next Bologna Policy Forum in connection with the Ministerial conference in 2018.

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Advisory Group Meetings

Participation to international or regional meetings