Work programme 2012-2015
Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting XXXV
The thirty-fifth meeting of the Bologna Follow-up Group was held in Dublin, 14-15 March 2013.
On 14-15 March 2013 the Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting brought together more than 85 BFUG members representing 40 countries, the European Commission, 8 consultative member organisations and Bologna partners in Dublin, Ireland. Such good representation marked the continuous interest and commitment of the EHEA countries and organisations in promoting the priorities set in the Bucharest Communiqué.
The BFUG adopted the Terms of Reference for the majority of the 2012-2015 work plan structures and took stock of the progress of their activities. Moreover, the BFUG endorsed the paper on the EHEA peer learning and review initiative and asked the upcoming BFUG Co-Chairs and the Secretariat to prepare a plan of work for the latter and encouraged the working groups to contribute to the initiative through identifying and setting priorities for peer learning and peer review activities concerning their respective policy areas.
Finally, the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT)/ Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) thematic session took place which focused on the new approaches of the EIT and ways these can benefit the EHEA and promote the modernisation of higher education.