Mobility 2007-2009
Want to study in Europe? Excellent idea!

Archive of the section dedicated to the Information for international students and scholars created on the official Bologna Process website in 2007-2009 at initiative of the Bologna Coordination Group on Mobility.
On this website you will find information about the 47 countries engaged in the process of creating a European Higher Education Area
- offering broad access to high quality higher education,
- facilitating mobility of students and staff,
- welcoming students from all over the world.
While the aim is to make Europe’s higher education systems more compatible with each other (and with other systems in the world), diversity between and within the 47 countries will remain one of Europe’s assets. In this diverse landscape of European higher education, this website and the links collected here will help you find your way. Some basic recommendations first:
- Check if the programme and/or the institution of your choice are subject to reliable quality assurance and if the qualification you intend to get will be recognised in your home country.
- Find out the language of instruction. In most countries, programmes are offered in the language(s) of the country and in at least one widely spoken European language.
- Look into immigration regulations (e.g. if a visa is required and how to obtain it) as well as social security arrangements.
- Estimate the costs of your stay abroad (including possible tuition fees, housing, subsistence, social security etc.) and inquire about possible funding opportunities in your home country or your chosen study destination.
For more information on those topics visit our country pages. In each page you will find specific information for international students and scholars but also more general information on the respective higher education system, quality assurance, academic recognition, student involvement etc. for each country.