Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2005-2007
EURASHE Annual Conference 2008
18th EURASHE General Assembly And Annual Conference, 'Qualifications in a Quality Assurance Culture: Moving Bologna and Copenhagen towards a lifelong and Europe-wide response to employability.'
Welcome address by the hosting country and hosting institutions
- James Calleja, Chief Executive MQC
- Juanito Camilleri, Rector, University of Malta
- Maurice Grech, Principal, MCAST
- Charles Mizzi, Chairman, MQC
- Dolores Cristina, Minister of Education & Culture
Opening of the Conference by the President of EURASHE, Lars Lynge Nielsen
Main address by keynote speaker from EC, DG Employment, David Coyne
Conference Theme 1: Identifying the expectations of the labour market in terms of employability
- Keynote speaker: Paulo Santiago, OECD, Strengthening the ties between tertiary education and the labour market
Four round table thematic sessions
- Bachelor Qualifications required by the labour market, Pavel Drasar, Chemical University, Prague, Czech Republic; Bryan Maguire, Academic Director, HETAC, Ireland.
- Stakeholders views on Accreditation, QA & Qualifications (employers, students, lifelong learners), Monique Fouilhoux, Henning Dettleff, Justin Fenech, Past President ESU
- Employability of Bachelors: the BaLaMa research project, Dermot Douglas, Institutes of Technology, IOTI, Ireland
- Lifelong learning: a European charter for Lifelong Learning, Michael Hörig, EUA; Sylvie Bonichon, RENASUP, France
Conference Theme 2: Qualifications framework throughout Europe in response to the labour market demands
- Keynote speaker: Sjur Bergan from the Council of Europe, historical overview and update
Four parallel workshops
- New trends in QA emerging from the latest QA Forum, Mark Frederiks, Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organization, NVAO
- ECVET & ECTS, Bryan Maguire, Academic Director, HETAC, Ireland; Sandra Kraze, School of Business & Finance, Latvia
- Learning outcomes or competences?, Lucien Bollaert, University College West-Flanders, Belgium
- National Qualifications frameworks: the Maltese NQF, Charles Mizzi, Chairman of MQC; Liesbeth Hens, Maia Chankseliani, Chairperson of the National Professional Agency, Georgia
Panel discussion on the conference themes with stakeholders from the world of employment, students, staff, European Associations
- EUA, Michael Hörig
- ESU, Justin Fenech
- Education International, Monique Fouilhoux
- BUSINESSEUROPE, Henning Dettleff
Closing of the Conference by the President of EURASHE