Qualifications Frameworks / Three-Cycle System 2007-2009
Bibliography on Qualifications frameworks - 2009

This section seeks to present an overview of web sites, articles and publications that are relevant to qualifications frameworks (updated in 2009).
Where possible, links are given to the texts themselves. If the texts are not available on line, this section seeks to provide links to sites through which the texts may be ordered or, failing that, to give some details on the publications.
Qualifications frameworks outside of the EHEA
The first qualifications frameworks were developed in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
This section seeks to provide links to qualifications frameworks developed in countries other than those belonging to the European Higher Education Area.
Australian Qualifications Framework
Ministerial Statement on Quality Assurance of Degree Education in Canada - Canadian Degree Qualifications Framework
Ministerial Statement on Quality Assurance of Degree Education in Canada - Canadian Degree Qualifications Framework - French version
Ontario Qualifications Framework
Ontario Qualifications Famework - english version
Ontario Qualifications Framework - french version
Malaysian Qualifications Agency
New Zealand
Background to the New Zealand Qualifications Framework
South Africa
The South African National Qualifications Framework
The overarching framework of qualifications of the European Higher Education Area
The overarching framework
The framework of qualifications for the European Higher Education Area - May 2005
The report by the Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks 2005 (Chair: Mogens Berg)
A Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area 2005
The report by the Bologna Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks 2007 (Chair: Mogens Berg)
Bologna Process National Qualifications Frameworks London 2007
Bologna conferences leading to the EHEA framework
Conference report from the 2005 Copenhagen conference on the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area, by Sjur Bergan
Conference report from the 2005 Copenhagen conference on the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area, by Sjur Bergan
Conference report from the 2003 Copenhagen conference on Qualification Structures in Higher Education in Europe, by Sjur Bergan
Report - Seminar on qualification structures Copenhagen 2003
Background report for the 2003 Copenhagen conference on Qualification Structures in Higher Education in Europe, by Stephen Adam
Qualification structures in European higher education - background report
Other articles on the overarching EHEA Framework
David Bottomley, Gerard Madill, Bryan Maguire, Jim Murray, Seán Ó Foghlú: “Challenges Addressed and Issues Arising from the Alignment of the Scottish and Irish National Frameworks of Qualifications with the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area”, article B 2.5-2 in Eric Froment, Jürgen Kohler, Lewis Purser and Lesley Wilson (eds.): EUA Bologna Handbook – Making Bologna Work (Berlin 2006: Raabe Verlag)
Jim Murray: “The Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area: challenges and opportunities”, article B 2.5-1 in Eric Froment, Jürgen Kohler, Lewis Purser and Lesley Wilson (eds.): EUA Bologna Handbook – Making Bologna Work (Berlin 2006: Raabe Verlag)
European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF)
Information on Recognition of skills and qualifications on the European Commission website
In the context of the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (EQF-LLL), the European Commission and CEDEFOP have issued a publication on the added value of national qualifications frameworks, written by Jens Bjørnavold and Mike Coles. The publication addresses the role of national frameworks in relation to the EQF but the considerations are equally valid for the relationship between national frameworks and the overarching framework of qualifications of the European Higher Education Area.
- The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning - 2008
- European Qualifications Framework Series - Note 2
National Qualifications Frameworks
David Bottomley, Gerard Madill, Bryan Maguire, Jim Murray, Seán Ó Foghlú: “Challenges Addressed and Issues Arising from the Alignment of the Scottish and Irish National Frameworks of Qualifications with the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education Area”, article B 2.5-2 in Eric Froment, Jürgen Kohler, Lewis Purser and Lesley Wilson (eds.): EUA Bologna Handbook – Making Bologna Work (Berlin 2006: Raabe Verlag)
Information on national qualifications frameworks
Qualifications frameworks and quality assurance
Report of the “ENQA Workshop on Quality Assurance and Qualifications Frameworks”, held in Dublin in March 2007. The articles have been submitted by the presenters of the workshop. The report gives an overview on recent European developments and examines the implications of the qualifications frameworks for quality assurance in different European countries.
ENQA Workshop on Quality Assurance and Qualifications Frameworks 2007
The concept of qualifications
Qualifications: introduction to a concept by Sjur Bergan (Council of Europe higher education series No. 6) (2007)
Qualifications are a key element of higher education policies in general and of the Bologna Process in particular. Much work has been accomplished in this area over the past few years, and a proper understanding of qualifications is essential to making the European Higher Education Area a reality.
This book provides a systematic overview of the concept of qualifications, discusses its main elements, such as level, workload, quality, profile and learning outcomes and examines generic and subject-specific competences. The author also considers the development of qualifications frameworks and explores the impact of our understanding of the concept of qualifications on recognition.
Buy the book on the Council of Europe website
Purposes of education
Sjur Bergan: “Promoting New Approaches to Learning”, article B 1.1-1 in Eric Froment, Jürgen Kohler, Lewis Purser and Lesley Wilson (eds.): EUA Bologna Handbook – Making Bologna Work (Berlin 2006: Raabe Verlag)
Learning outcomes
Stephen Adam: “An introduction to learning outcomes: A consideration of the nature, function and position of learning outcomes in the creation of the European Higher Education Area”, article B.2.3-1 in Eric Froment, Jürgen Kohler, Lewis Purser and Lesley Wilson (eds.): EUA Bologna Handbook – Making Bologna Work (Berlin 2006: Raabe Verlag)
Stephen Adam: “Using Learning Outcomes”. Report for the Bologna conference on learning outcomes held in Edinburgh on 1 – 2 July 2004 Learning Outcomes by Stephen Adam
Declan Kennedy: Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: A Practical Guide (Cork 2007: University College Cork) Writing and Using Learning Outcomes: A Practical Guide
Declan Kennedy, Áine Hyland, Norma Ryan: “Writing and using learning outcomes: a practical guide”, article C 3.4-1 in Eric Froment, Jürgen Kohler, Lewis Purser and Lesley Wilson (eds.): EUA Bologna Handbook – Making Bologna Work (Berlin 2006: Raabe Verlag)
Jennifer Moon: “Linking Levels, Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria”. Report for the Bologna conference on learning outcomes held in Edinburgh on 1 – 2 July 2004 Linking Levels Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria by Jenny Moon
The Lisbon Recognition Convention
The ENIC and NARIC Networks of national information centres on recognition of qualifications
Stephen Adam: “The Impact of Emerging Qualification Frameworks on Recognition”
Sjur Bergan (ed.): Recognition Issues in the Bologna Process (Strasbourg 2003: Council of Europe Publishing)
Buy the book on the Council of Europe website
Sjur Bergan and Andrejs Rauhvargers (eds): Standards for Recognition: the Lisbon Recognition Convention and its Subsidiary Texts (Strasbourg 2005: Council of Europe Publishing. Council of Europe Higher Education Series No. 3)
Buy the book on the Council of Europe website
Sjur Bergan and Andrejs Rauhvargers (eds): Recognition in the Bologna Process: Policy Development and the Road to Good Practice (Strasbourg 2006: Council of Europe Publishing. Council of Europe Higher Education Series No. 4)
Buy the book on the Council of Europe website
Andrejs Rauhvargers: “The Lisbon Recognition Convention: principles and practical Application”, article B 3.4-1 in Eric Froment, Jürgen Kohler, Lewis Purser and Lesley Wilson (eds.): EUA Bologna Handbook – Making Bologna Work (Berlin 2006: Raabe Verlag)
Generic and subject specific competences
The TUNING Project (Tuning Educational Structures in Europe) has developed the notions of generic and subject specific competences in considerable detail.