Lifelong Learning 2007-2009
Coordination Group on Lifelong Learning 2007-2009
The Coordination Group on Lifelong Learning will:
- ensure coordination across Bologna related events exploring aspects of lifelong learning, making recommendations as required to events organisers;
- maintain an overview of Bologna related Lifelong Learning events taking place between 2007 and 2009;
- consider the conclusions of all Bologna related Lifelong Learning events and identify points for possible inclusion in the Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve Communique.
The London Communiqué asked BFUG to increase the sharing of good practices in the field of lifelong learning and the recognition of prior learning. For this purpose, a number of events were organised at European level:
- Under the Slovenian Presidency a seminar was organized on “Universities and Lifelong Learning” at Brdo (Slovenia), on 10-11 March 2008.
- EUA also organized a conference “Inclusive and responsive universities – ensuring Europe’s competitiveness” at Rotterdam (Netherlands) on 22 October 2008. The publication of its Charter for Lifelong Learning was a significant step forward in promoting lifelong learning in a university context. EUA European Universities' Charter on Lifelong Learning 2008
- EURASHE organized a seminar titled “Lifelong Learning at Institutions of Professional Higher Education” in Prague (Czech Republic) on 16-17 October 2008. They also published "Lifelong Learning: Impediments and examples of good practice". EURASHE Lifelong Learning: Impediments & Examples of good practice - 2008
- “Recognition of Prior Learning, Quality Assurance and Implementation of Procedures” was organized in Amsterdam (Netherlands) on 11-12 December 2008. The EURASHE event mentioned above partially served as input to this seminar.
To ensure complementarity across the lifelong learning related events included in the Bologna Work Programme for 2007-2009 and to review the conclusions and recommendations of these events, a Lifelong Learning Coordinating Group was set up.
The Coordination Group concluded that considerable progress had been made towards increasing the understanding of lifelong learning in a higher education context over the last two years. Much, however, remains to be done, before lifelong learning becomes fully integrated within all higher education system across the EHEA. In particular, significant effort is required to enhance the development and application of the recognition of prior learning.
- Institutions should be encouraged to develop lifelong learning strategies as part of their institutional policies.
- Just as initial learners, lifelong learners should be at the centre of their education. This means that HEI management systems should deal with lifelong learners as an integral part of their education provision and quality assurance, respecting the differences between different learners and their needs.
- As employers need to trust qualifications, the recognition of qualifications and of prior learning should be part of regular quality assurance procedures and be related to the three cycle structure. This should apply to all forms of lifelong learning and cross border provision.
- Procedures for the recognition of prior learning should be made more open and transparent, for the benefit of potential learners, students, staff, institutions and employers.
- Practice across the EHEA should be shared and analysed, in order to improve understanding of different approaches and the interests of different stakeholders.
Coordination Group Chair: Ann McVie (UK/Scotland)
Participants: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Greece, Netherlands, Slovenia, “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, UK/Scotland, ESU, EUA, EURASHE.