Work programme 2015-2018
EUA Webinar: "Universities Supporting Social Inclusion"

The European University Association (EUA) webinar on 25 January 2017 at 14:00 CET will explore how universities can engage in and support social inclusion.
Universities are vital in providing social mobility and inclusion at a number of levels. In an increasingly complex society, universities provide high-level skills, thinking, and methods that are ever more requested on the labour market. University education is also driving civil participation, innovation and entrepreneurship, empowering graduates to become open and engaged citizens. At the same time, massification of higher education means that student populations have become more diverse, which requires specific policies for universities in terms of for example outreach, admission, and retention. These trends, and the potential of universities, have been emphasised by the influx of refugees, which have prompted institutions across Europe to establish targeted initiatives for integration.
The webinar will feature an overview over European trends as well as practical examples and the opportunity for discussion.
Please click here for registration - Deadline for registration is 20 January 2017.
For more details please click here to access the EUA website