Lifelong learning 2009-2012
Network of National Correspondents on Qualifications Frameworks
2012-2015 activities
The network of national correspondents for qualifications frameworks was appointed to the "Structural reforms" working group (SRWG) 2012-2015. It contributed to the SRWG report.
Terms of reference for the Network of Qualifications framework correspondents - Endorsed 15.03.2013
Report by the Structural Reforms Working Group to the BFUG
In April 2014, the Network of National Correspondents for Qualifications Frameworks conducted a small survey among its members on the development of national qualifications frameworks for higher education.
The conclusions are available on the IV.2.4 Implementation of qualifications frameworks section of the SRWG report.
Recommendations from the Structural reforms working group on the implementation of qualifications frameworks
- Public authorities should ensure and lead the development and implementation of national qualifications frameworks based on learning outcomes in a way that fully values and draws on the contribution of higher education institutions and other stakeholders and that furthers and promotes a learning outcomes approach.
- Public authorities should promote and raise awareness of their respective national qualifications frameworks. They should ensure publication of their self-certification reports and provide the BFUG Secretariat with the official information needed to publish the self-certification through the EHEA web site.
- Student participation in the development, revision, and implementation of qualifications frameworks is important to furthering student centered learning.
- Cooperation with ENICs and NARICs in the development and implementation of QFs is essential to fostering fair and transparent recognition of qualifications.
- To further the comparability and compatibility of self-certified national higher education frameworks, pan-European peer learning activities, exchange of experience and advice, and comparative studies should be promoted.
- Cooperation between the competent authorities for quality assurance, qualification frameworks and recognition should be reinforced in order to ensure that qualifications frameworks are used as a tool for modernization of higher education systems.
- All EHEA members should reinforce the Network of national correspondents for qualifications frameworks by appointing their national correspondent for qualifications frameworks and ensuring active participation in the network of national correspondents.
- The Network of national correspondents for qualifications frameworks should provide guidance, based on good practice from member states, on the inclusion of short cycle qualifications in national qualifications frameworks for countries that wish to do so.
2009-2012 activities
The Network of National Correspondents for Qualifications Frameworks was formally established by the BFUG in March 2011 on the foundations established during the first meeting of national Qualifications Frameworks correspondents in Strasbourg on 9-10 November 2009.
The report submitted to the BFUG by the EHEA Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks also draws on the activities of the Network of National Correspondents for Qualifications Frameworks, as well as on the excellent cooperation established with the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning (EQF).
Report by the EHEA working group on Qualifications Frameworks 2009-2012