Work programme 2009-2012
EHEA Information & Promotion Network (IPN) - 1st Steering Committee meeting
The Information and Promotion Network (IPN) Steering Committee had its first meeting in Bucharest, and developed the work plan of the network for the 2010-2012 timeframe. For a more effective fulfillment of the assumed tasks, the main IPN activities have been divided between three different working groups.
The main purpose of the Steering Committee meeting stems from the decision taken during the kick-off meeting of the Information and Promotion Network, which reads as follows:
The five members of the Steering Committee would meet during the summer and prepare a proposal for a work plan, which would then be sent to the Network for feedback. The Bologna Secretariat was asked to send an e-mail to the Network members asking them to provide input by 8 June 2010. The work programme would contain a timeline and combine plenary meetings with meetings in smaller working groups.
- IPN Steering Committee meeting Bucharest July 2010 - Draft minutes
- Definitions of key terms for the work of the IPN - Status 30.09.2010
- Work plan 2010-2012 of the Information and Promotion Network - Draft 07.07.2010
- Work programme 2010-2012 of the Information and Promotion Network - Draft 07.07.2010
- IPN Kick-off meeting Vienna May 2010 - Draft minutes version 07.07.2010