Work programme 2009-2012

WG on Social Dimension 2009-2012 - meeting 1

Working Group meeting Madrid, Spain 20/05/2010

First meeting of the Bologna Working Group on Social dimension 2009-2012.

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Analysis on the data collection exercise for Social Dimension

At their first meeting in Madrid, the Working Group discussed the indicators on the Social Dimension of the Bologna Process and provided contextual data and policy-related information on the social dimension related topics covered in the implementation report.

A preliminary first draft of Chapter 4 of the implementation report: ‘the Social Dimension in the European Higher Education Area’ was made available for consultation to the Working Group members by the data collectors.

Development of a pilot initiative to promote Peer Learning on the Social Dimension of Higher Education in Europe

One of the proposals established in the Working Group’s Terms of Reference was to explore the possibility of developing a European Observatory on the Social Dimension of Higher Education (SD Observatory). At the first meeting the idea was further developed. It was proposed to have the Observatory pool data on the social dimension and provide a basis for reflection and action on social dimension issues. Additionally, it was considered that the Observatory could also function as a pool of expertise.

EUROSTUDENT was approached to further build upon this initial idea of the Observatory and develop a concept proposal of the European Observatory on Social Dimension in Higher Education Observatory.

Published: 20/05/2010 - Last modified: 04/07/2016
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This document takes its lead from the Draft outline of contents for the BFUG Integrated Implementation Report (BFUG (ES) 20_9a) and draws on the seven issues proposed to be covered in the topic social dimension. The information, which is to be collected for each issue, is also proposed in that document.

Indicators on the social dimension of the Bologna Process