Bologna Policy Forum
Second Bologna Policy Forum, Vienna

The Ministers of Higher Education and heads of delegation of the countries, institutions and organisations participating in the Second Bologna Policy Forum in Vienna, 12 March 2010, held a dialogue on systemic and institutional changes in higher education in the developing global knowledge society.
Building the Global Knowledge Society: Systemic and Institutional Change in Higher Education
- 2010 Vienna Bologna Policy Forum Statement
- 2010 Vienna Bologna Policy Forum Statement - French version
- 2010 Vienna Bologna Policy Forum Statement - Lithuanian version
- 2010 Vienna Bologna Policy Forum Statement - Polish version
Information Session on the European Higher Education Area
Offered to the international delegations taking part in the Bologna Policy Forum (optional)
Opening statements
José Manuel Martínez Sierra, Director General for International Affairs, Ministry of Education, Spain
Stamenka Uvalic-Trumbic, Chief, Section for Reform, Innovation and Quality Assurance, UNESCO
BPF info session - opening statement by UNESCO
European Union – Contribution to internationalisation
Odile Quintin Director General for Education, Training, Culture & Youth, European Commission
ASEMUNDUS – An example of cooperation in the framework of ERASMUS MUNDUS
Siegbert Wuttig German Academic Exchange Service
BPF info session - An example of cooperation in the framework of ERASMUS MUNDUS
The Bologna Process: Actions taken and lessons learnt
Pavel Zgaga, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
BPF info session - Bologna Process by Pavel Zgaga, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Radu Mircea Damian, Council of Europe
Ann Fritzell, Education International
BPF info session - Bologna Process by Education International
Marek Frankowicz, European Association of Institutions in Higher Education
Bert Vandenkendelaere, European Students’ Union
BPF info session - Bologna Process by ESU
Michael Gaebel, European University Association
BPF info session - Bologna Process by EUA
Closing statements
José Manuel Martínez Sierra, Director General for International Affairs, Ministry of Education, Spain
János Csirik, Co-Vice Chair of the Bologna
Bologna Policy Forum
Opening statement by Androulla Vassiliou - EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism & Youth
BPF 2010 - Opening statement by European Commision
Key note by Juan Ramon de la Fuente - President of the International Association of Universities
BPF 2010 - Key note by International Association of Universities
Parallel working groups on:
- The role of higher education in the global knowledge society: How do systems and institutions of higher education deal with the challenges of responding to multiple expectations?
- Brain drain – brain gain – brain circulation: a matter of perspective or different realities? What does it mean for societies in general and for higher education systems?
- Cooperation and competition – which is winning out or can they coexist in international higher education?
Country reports
Recent trends and developments in Australian Higher Education
BPF country reports - AustraliacHigher Education in China
BPF country reports - China
Education Revolution in Colombia
BPF country reports - Colombia 1 & Higher Education System in Colombia
BPF country reports - Colombia 2
Recent trends and developments in Japan's higher education system
BPF country reports - Japan
Recent trends and developments in Jordanian higher education
BPF country reports - Jordania
Recent trends and developments in Lebanese higher education
BPF country reports - Lebanon
Recent trends and developments in New Zealand's tertiary education
BPF country reports - New Zealand
Saudia Arabia's national report
BPF country reports - Saudi Arabia
Recent trends and developments in Senegal's higher education (in French)
BPF country reports - Senegal (in French)
Systemic and institutional change of higher education in Tunisia
BPF country reports - Tunisia