Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2005-2007
European Labour Market for academic graduates
‘Will Higher Education be ready for the European Labour Market? Competencies, Mobility & Employability after the Sorbonne-Bologna Proces’. (ELM 2006), from October 19 to October 21, 2006.
Hosted by the University of Maastricht, the European Labour Market for Academic Graduates conference (ELM2006) will focus on themes related to the international employability of graduates of the Bologna reform degrees. Despite many matters to be resolved, higher education institutions and agencies are working towards the objectives of the Bologna Process: increased mobility, transparency and quality. However, less is known about the effects of the changes that are made. Will the European graduates of the future be working abroad or just re-invest their international experience in their own region? Will the selection criteria of recruiters change? How will they value international experience? The conference will discuss the issues surrounding Bologna graduates, including best practices ad outcomes from recently completed research projects on the subject.