Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2005-2007
Putting European Higher Education Area on the map: developing strategies for attractiveness
Bologna Process official seminar on the external dimension of the Bologna Process “Putting European Higher Education Area on the map: Developing Strategies for Attractiveness”, Athens, 24th-26th June 2006.
The key outcomes from the Athens Bologna Seminar can be summarised according to the following parameters.
With regard to the competitiveness and attractiveness horizon it was pointed out that competition should not necessarily be seen in opposition to cooperation, since through projects and quality networks we can increase the competitiveness of European higher education and enhance institutional cooperation. In order to attract international students the organisation of European higher education fairs and media campaigns and the creation of European study centres and centres of excellence were suggested. Moreover, other proposals include extra budget provided for international students, the creation
of a European standard of acceptance for international students, a code of good conduct for dealing with visa problems, the enhancement of Europe’s alumni-networks worldwide, and the establishment of a network of ambassadors or “Europe Promoters”.
As far as the partnership and cooperation horizon is concerned an important step towards the improvement of the current practices would be the creation of a consortia of universities, higher education stakeholder organisations and third countries, and also the joint delivery of graduate-level study programmes with integrated mobility phases of study in the other continent.
In connection with the dialogue horizon it is recommended that the countries of the Bologna Process share their good practice with other countries and organisations from all over the world. The policy dialogue can be accomplished through the existing fora, by giving the interested countries and organisations the chance to participate in Bologna events or even by creating a “Bologna Visitor Programme” or a higher education policy forum, involving representatives from European and third- country governments and higher education stakeholders.
Finally, with regard to the information horizon it was unanimously recommended by all the working groups to create an Internet portal on the EHEA, and Greece, through the Minister of Education Marietta Giannakou, has already expressed its willingness to host such a portal. This should be easy to understand and navigate, in a variety of languages and customised for different constituents and audiences.
Foteini Asderaki, Greece
Source: Bergen to London 2007 - Secretariat Report on the Bologna Work Programme 2005-2007
Bologna Process between Bergen and London