Work programme of the Bologna Follow-Up Group 2001-2003
Seminar on Student Participation in Governance in Higher Education
Bologna Follow-Up Seminar “Student Participation in Governance in Higher Education” Oslo, Norway – 12/14 of June 2003
From the resulting communiqué coming from the Prague Ministerial Conference it was recognised that “(...) students are full members of the higher education community” and “should participate in and influence the organisation and content of education at universities and other higher education institutions. Ministers also recognised the necessity and welcomed the role of students as “(...) competent, active and constructive partners (...)” in the creation of the European Area of Higher Education.
The seminar’s main theme was the role of students’ participation in both national and international processes of governance in higher education. There was a focus, from various perspectives on how legislation may include and regulate students’ participation in governance of higher education institutions and on the students’ participation in the academic life.