Consultative members
Education International

Education International is a consultative member of the Bologna Follow-Up Group.
Education International represents organisations of teachers and other education employees across the globe.
It is the world’s largest federation of unions, representing thirty million education employees in about four hundred organisations in one hundred and seventy countries and territories, across the globe. Education International unites all teachers and education employees.
- Education International promotes the principle that quality education, funded publicly, should be available to every student in every country.
- Education International promotes and represents the interests of teachers and other education employees on the international level.
- Education International assists the development of independent democratic organisations to represent teachers and other education employees and builds solidarity and cooperation between them.
- Education International advocates for equity in society. It combats racism and xenophobia. It challenges discrimination on the grounds of gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and racial or ethnic origin or characteristics.
- Education International works with other global federations of unions and other kindred organisations to promote and achieve solidarity.
EI contribution to the Bologna Process (updated in 2009)
- Running the Let’s Go!”-mobility Campaign in cooperation with the European Students’ Union. The Campaign aims at increasing student and staff mobility and is an important contribution from EI to the creation and enhancement of a European Higher Education Area;
- Promoting and advocating for the implementation of the UNESCO-Council of Europe Lisbon Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications;
- Working with the OECD and UNESCO for the implementation of the “Guidelines on Quality Provision in Cross Border Higher Education”, having great relevance for the EHEA and beyond;
- Involvement in the European Commission process of elaborating the “European Charter of researchers” and a “Code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers”, which together with the “Salzburg principles” make up an important framework for research and doctoral training in Europe;
- Producing every three years a report (10,39 MB) to the Expert Committee on the Application of the 1966 ILO/UNESCO Recommendations on the Status of Teachers and the 1997 UNESCO Recommendations on the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel (CEART) outlining, in particular, the state of academic freedom around the world. This report connects to the statements in the Bologna Declaration regarding the importance of academic freedom.
- Membership of several BFUG Working Groups.
Published: 03/05/2016 - Last modified: 22/06/2016
- Education international - Statement to the Bologna Anniversary Ministerial Conference
- Education international - Statement to the Bologna Anniversary Ministerial Conference - French version
- EI Enhancing Quality - 2010
- EI Policy statement on the Bologna Process 2005
- BFUG5_6a Pan-European Structure application