EHEA Website Archive

International openness 2009-2012

EHEA Information and Promotion Network (IPN) 2009-2012

At their meeting in Leuven / Louvain-la-Neuve, the Ministers asked the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) to set up a network, making optimal use of existing structures, for better information on and promotion of the Bologna Process outside the EHEA.

Archived content for Bologna Experts - 24/06/2012
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Purpose and/or outcome

  • Provision of clear and consistent information on the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in countries outside the EHEA.
  • Enhancing the international promotion of the European Higher Education Area.
  • Putting the promotion of national higher education systems in a European context.

Specific tasks

  • Develop an overview of existing initiatives/activities by all members of the network in the field of promotion of national higher education systems & the EHEA (state of the art);
  • Support the Bologna Secretariat and the Working group “International Openness: European Higher Education in a Global Context” regarding the further development of specific information material (to be used e.g. at international fairs and visits) and of the EHEA Website for a global audience.
  • Design measures to enhance the promotion of the EHEA and of national higher education systems as part of the EHEA.   
  • Foster the exchange of good practice and know-how as well as peer learning in the field of national-level promotion of higher education in a European context.
  • Advise/support the Working Group “International Openness: European Higher Education in a Global Context” in convening a round table (with the participation of the European Commission and other main actors in higher education promotion in Europe) to devise a “road map” and to identify opportunities and actions for enhancing European-level promotion.

Source: EHEA Information and Promotion Network 2009-2012 - Terms of reference

Published: 24/06/2012 - Last modified: 20/10/2016
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Marketing the EHEA

Report on survey results of survey carried out by DAAD for IPN Working Group 1.

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) undertook a survey on behalf of the Information and Promotion Network (IPN) Working Group 1 that mapped higher education promotion and / or marketing initiatives developed by both national agencies and higher education institutions (HEIs) across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in late fall 2010. The objective was to take a snapshot of what activities were being undertaken, who was involved in higher education promotion, what tools were being used, and if any higher education promotion was being done that related specifically to the EHEA.

Report prepared for IPN meeting in Brussels in March 2011 by Irene Jansen and Megan Brenn‐White

Presentation of the survey results at the IPN meeting in Brussels, 11 March 2011.

First survey results have been presented in Bonn in December 2010 and Vienna in January 2011 by Irene Jansen.