Work programme 2015-2018
ENQA Seminar 2017 Quality Assurance in the European Context
European Association for Quality Assurance in higher education (ENQA) is organising a seminar on the European dimension of quality assurance, taking place on 15-16 June 2017 in the Châtelain neighborhood of Brussels at the International Associations Centre.
The seminar is open to all, but it is primarily geared towards new staff of QA agencies or others with less knowledge or experience working in quality assurance at the European level.
The programme aims to inform participants about relevant topics such as the Bologna Process, the European Commission’s priorities concerning quality assurance and higher education, the role of the main stakeholder bodies (including the E4 and EQAR) in the European Higher Education Area, and the purpose of the Standards and guidelines for quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG). Participation is open to ENQA members, affiliates, and other interested stakeholders.