Work programme 2012-2015
Working Group on Reporting on the Bologna Process Implementation 2012-2015
The main purpose of the working group is to prepare a report on the progress of the implementation of the Bologna Process to be presented at the Yerevan Ministerial Conference in 2015.
Purpose and/or outcome
To further refine the methodology of monitoring and measuring progress:
- to provide reliable, comparable data and to take stock of progress towards realising the European Higher Education Area and the strategy “Mobility for better learning”;
- to make further progress in the construction of a structured and standardised monitoring system consisting of indicators and qualitative analysis;
- to allow for comparisons to be made between countries and to allow for monitoring changes over time within countries as well as between countries;
To prepare an overall report on the implementation of the Bologna Process for 2015, integrating data collected by EUROSTAT, EUROSTUDENT and EURYDICE.
References to the Bucharest Communiqué
Improvement of data collection to underpin political goals
We welcome the improved quality of data and information on higher education. We ask for more targeted data collection and referencing against common indicators, particularly on employability, the social dimension, lifelong learning, internationalisation, portability of grants/loans, and student and staff mobility.
Setting out priorities for 2012-2015
We ask Eurostat, Eurydice and Eurostudent to monitor progress in the implementation of the Bologna Process reforms and the strategy “Mobility for better learning”
Specific tasks
To analyse the experience in data collection and processing in the 2009-2012 period with a view to optimize and further improve the methodology.
To identify the key issues to be covered by the report and the way in which they should be addressed (quantifiable indicators or qualitative analysis) according to the call of ministers to “more targeted data collection and referencing against common indicators, particularly on:
- employability,
- the social dimension,
- lifelong learning,
- internationalisation,
- portability of grants/loans, and o student and staff mobility.”
To specify the indicators to measure progress in the 2012-2015 period and data required.
To define the survey questionnaire which should
- be based on a refined 2009-2012 questionnaire where possible to ensure continuity;
- allow collection of information from the Bologna countries including the areas ministers underlined above.
To assist Eurydice in drafting the overall report for approval by the BFUG in advance of the 2015 Ministerial Conference.
Source: Terms of reference on Reporting on the Implementation of the Bologna Process - Endorsed 15.03.2013
Germain Dondelinger - Luxembourg
Andrejs Rauhvargers - Latvia
Austria, Belgium/Flemish Community, Finland, France, Germany, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Moldova, Norway, Romania, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, BUSINESSEUROPE, EC, EI, ENQA, EQAR, ESU, EUA, EURASHE, EUROSTAT, EUROSTUDENT and EURYDICE.