Work programme 2012-2015
Future of Higher Education - Bologna Process Researchers' Conference
Following the success of the “Future of Higher Education - Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference” (FOHE – BPRC), organized on 17 – 19 October 2011 by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI), with the support of the European University Association (EUA) and the Romanian National Committee for UNESCO, a second edition will take place on 24 – 26 November 2014 in Bucharest, Romania.
The 2011 “Future of Higher Education - Bologna Process Researchers’ Conference” provided the opportunity for researchers dealing with higher education to interact and contribute to the political process shaping the European Higher Education Area. The participants looked at both the theoretic research activities with a focus on the Bologna Process and its effects, as well as the efforts made to define the national and broader international framework under which the EHEA tools could be implemented.
With the second edition of the Conference, the organizers wish to continue this initiative, turning it into a landmark for European and international higher education research and policy making. The focus of the conference will include both the progress on the consolidation of the EHEA towards the increasingly close 2020 political deadline, as well as the broader regional and international developments that shape national higher education and research policies. In this vein, the event aims to bring together researchers on higher education, as well as leading academics and policy makers. Selected articles will be published in a peer-reviewed research volume and the message coming from the conference will be conveyed to the 47 EHEA ministers meeting in Yerevan in May 2015.
The Conference will be focusing on aspects connected to the status of the theoretic research activities on the Bologna Process, on providing insight regarding actual developments related to the Bologna Process and their effects “in the field”, in particular regarding the efforts made to define and refine the framework under which international norms could be operationalized at the national and institutional level.
More about the conference can be found on the website of the event
Download the agenda from the Conference website
Research volumes
The research volumes offer unique insights regarding the state of affairs of European higher education and research, as well as forward-looking policy proposals.
More than 50 articles focus on essential themes in higher education: Internationalization of higher education; Financing and governance; Excellence and the diversification of missions; Teaching, learning and student engagement; Equity and the social dimension of higher education; Education, research and innovation; Quality assurance, The impacts of the Bologna Process on the EHEA and beyond and Evidence-based policies in higher education.
"The Bologna process was launched at a time of great optimism about the future of the European project – to which, of course, the reform of higher education across the continent has made a major contribution. Today, for the present, that optimism has faded as economic troubles have accumulated in the Euro-zone, political tensions have been increased on issues such as immigration and armed conflict has broken out in Ukraine. There is clearly a risk that, against this troubled background, the Bologna process itself may falter. There are already signs that it has been downgraded in some countries with evidence of political withdrawal. All the more reason for the voice of higher education researchers to be heard. Since the first conference they have established themselves as powerful stakeholders in the development of the EHEA, who are helping to maintain the momentum of the Bologna process. Their pivotal role has been strengthened by the second Bucharest conference."
Peter Scott, Institute of Education, London (General Rapporteur of the FOHE-BPRC first edition)

The European Higher Education Area - Between Critical Reflections and Future Policies offers unique insights regarding the state of affairs of European higher education research and focuses on essential themes in European higher education policies.
Editors: Curaj, A., Matei, L., Pricopie, R., Salmi, J., Scott, P. (Eds.)
The two volumes of research articles resulting from the last edition of the "Bologna Process Researchers' Conference" are published by Springer:
Final report
The report summarizes the conclusions and recommendations from the second Bologna Researchers’ Conference, organized in Bucharest on 24-26 November 2014.
In particular, the report puts forward several conclusions and recommendations formulated with a view to informing the discussions and decisions at the upcoming Bologna Ministerial Conference (Yerevan, 14 – 15 May 2015). They refer to the following main themes:
- The current state of the Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area.
- The future of higher education in Europe.
- New priority areas for the development of higher education in Europe.
- The role of research vis-à-vis policy making in higher education.