Work programme 2012-2015
Quality assurance in vocational education and training (VET) and higher education for improving their permeability
Cedefop, the EQAVET Secretariat and the EU Commission: DGEAC - the Higher Education Unit (C1) and the VET and Adult Learning Unit (B2) have organised a Joint Expert Seminar on the Quality Assurance in vocational education and training (VET) and Higher Education for improving their permeability.
The European Commission, the EQAVET Secretariat and CEDEFOP are organising a joint expert seminar on 22-23 October in Brussels to promote meaningful and sustainable cooperation on the issue of Quality Assurance in vocational education and training (VET) and Higher Education (HE) for improving their permeability. The Seminar paid particular attention to the Quality Assurance issues shared by both these two education sub-sectors in order to initiate a more substantial dialogue and cooperation between them in the field of quality.
Sixty experts on Quality in vocational education and training (VET) and/or higher education (HE) reflected together supported by sixteen presentations and the encouraging views of the stakeholders being the DGEAC's representatives, the EESC, ENQA, the European VET or HE students or the VET providers.
They all underlined that further collaboration is needed for building confidence and effective Q.A. systems that would facilitate learning throughout life. They made proposals for joint activities in full respect of each education sub-sector's agenda and priorities on one hand and of the principle of subsidiarity that governs them both, on the other.
Download all the documents and final report from the CEDEFOP website