Work programme 2009-2012
Bologna Beyond 2010: Role and involvement of students
Summer school organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia (MoES) and the Armenian National Students' Association, "Pan-ArmenianYouth International Center" Foundation.
Student participation in the Bologna is one of the main aspects of the process. Number of countries put in various measures to increase their participation in institutional governance but the reality is that in many cases they are not considered as equal stakeholders in the decision-making process related to education.
The main topics of the summer school are:
- Degree system and ECTS: flexibility as a mechanism fostering mobility and employability of students;
- All types of mobility: more balanced mobility, EHEA benchmark of 20% by 2020;
- Recognition as a major deterrent for students going abroad;
- Student aid schemes: tuition fees, state financial support to students, grants and loans.
The aim of the summer school is to present Bologna Process achievements during its first ten years as well as to discuss further challenges with the student eyes.
The summer school is open to students from all Bologna countries and to interested parties from other parts of the world.